
Italian National Holidays Calendar

National Holidays

Holiday (Italian) Translation (English) Date Description
Capodanno New Year’s Day January 1 Marks the start of the year with family gatherings and rest.
Epifania Epiphany January 6 A Catholic holiday celebrating the end of the Christmas season, popular for children’s parades.
Pasqua Easter Sunday Variable (March/April) A significant religious day with family meals and church services.
Pasquetta Easter Monday Variable (day after Easter) Celebrates the arrival of spring, often with outdoor picnics and gatherings.
Festa della Liberazione Liberation Day April 25 Commemorates the end of fascism in Italy during WWII.
Festa del Lavoro Labor Day May 1 Celebrates workers’ rights with concerts and public gatherings.
Festa della Repubblica Republic Day June 2 Marks Italy's transition to a republic, featuring military parades and official ceremonies.
Ferragosto Assumption of Mary August 15 Celebrated with vacations, festivals, and cultural events, marking the peak of summer.
Tutti i Santi All Saints’ Day November 1 Honors all saints, with many visiting family graves to pay respects.
Natale Christmas Day December 25 A widely celebrated holiday focusing on family, religion, and festive meals.

The dates for holidays like Pasqua (Easter Sunday) and Pasquetta (Easter Monday) vary each year based on the liturgical calendar, but they generally fall between late March and mid-April.