
IIS "LUIGI COSTANZO" - Decollatura

IT & Computer Sciences



Study Plan:






Italian language and literature 4 4 4 4 4
English Language and culture 3 3 3 3 3
History 2 2 2 2 2
Mathematics 4 4 3 3 3
Law and Economics 2 2      
Natural Sciences (Earth Science and Biology) 2 2      
Physical Education 2 2 2 2 2
Alternative Activities 1 1 1 1 1
Geography 1        
Physics 3 3      
Chemistry 3 3      
Graphic Representation Techniques and Technologies 3 3      
Information Technology 3        
Applied Sciences and Technologies   3      
Mathematical Complements     1 1  
Systems and Networks     4 4 4
Technologies and Design of IT and Telecommunications Systems     3 3 4
Project Management and Business Organization         3
Computer Science     6 6 6
Telecommunications     3 3  
TOTAL HOURS per WEEK 33 32 32 32 32

Employment opportunities after the end of school / career path:

The high school graduate in IT and Telecommunications will in particular, will be able to find employment:

  • In companies as a supercomputing consultant, App and Web developer, database developer, web designer, project manager.
  • In companies that deal with the analysis, design, installation and management of IT and multimedia systems and signal transmission and reception equipment.
  • In companies that deal with software and the internet and develop IT projects.
  • In companies that deal with remote sensing with drones and GIS systems, monitoring with sensors and big data management.

As regard higher education, access is possible:

  • To all university faculties and, in particular, to all degree courses in Engineering (IT, telecommunications, management, electronics);
  • To ITS post-diploma vocational training courses.